Thursday, July 1, 2010

Advice: Establishing Authority as a Young Teacher

This article from Dance Teacher Magazine offers some excellent advice on how young teachers can still be respected by students who are close to their age. Advice like establish boundries by staying professional, always come prepared, keep a watchful eye on the students by giving them corrections, get more education, and keep your cool when you make a mistake.

You can be professional by being "approchable, but not friendly," the article reads. Also, be cautious outside of the classroom as well by declining invitations to social events with your students or social networking online.

Coming to class prepared cannot be stressed enough. Knowing the combinations you're going to give and having music prepared will boost your own confidence, which will also boost your authority.

The article also stresses the importance of keeping yourself educated by attending workshops, going back to school, and getting educated on anatomy and the science of the body. One well-respected dance teacher certification program that only requires one week a year is Dance Master's of America.

To read the original article, "Theory and Practice: Become an Authority,"click here.

Daniel Ulbricht, NYCB principal, teaching a class at the Rock School

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